04/23/2023 • Lot 1 Gray Stallion •
WSG Peptos Flingin Oak

WSG Peptos Flingin Oak

Lot 1 Gray Stallion
Flings First Memorie A Streak of Fling Streakin Six
Moon Fling
Rocket Memories Leaving Memories
Above The Odds
DL Sheza Boonsmal Colonel Frenchman Frenchmans Guy
Colonels Miss Targo
Peptos Pretty Oak Peptos Stylish Oak
Another Pretty Pep

Incredible horse colt that can head to the arena or ranch. WSG Peptos Flingin Oak, is packed with cow sense and speed. His dam, DL Sheeza Boonsmal is a sweet, athletic mare backed by proven money winning cutting horses. This colt is going to be great in any direction he goes. Swing on over to  Flings First Memorie FB page for updates or give us a call for more info!

Gray Ranch
