RQHBA Members

J Bar Three Quarter Horses

Lot 10 - Boonsmal Drifter
Long Quarter Horses

Lot 11 Short Go Quixote
Long Quarter Horses

Lot 13 - Rope Ride N Shine
Long Quarter Horses

Shield Five Quarter Horses

Lot 15 - Cee Ima Royal Lady
Shield Five Quarter Horses

Lot 16 - Oles Red Cat
Shield Five Quarter Horses

Lot 17 - Boonys Smooth Cat
Shield Five Quarter Horses

Shield Five Quarter Horses

Lot 2 - LN A Smooth Rocker
J Bar Three Quarter Horses

Lot 24 - Something N The Gray
Carlson Romero

Lot 25 - Rodeo Rope N Ride
Bender Ranch

Lot 26 - Cowboys Roan Express
Bender Ranch

Lot 27 - Playguns Lad
Bender Ranch

Lot 28 - Frosted Express
Bender Ranch

Lot 29 - Cowboys Lucky Bea
Bender Ranch

Lot 3 - LN Chicks Oak Rocker
J Bar Three Quarter Horses

Lot 30 - Short Go Express
Bender Ranch

Lot 31 - Boons Gotta Guy
Mailloux Quarter Horses

Lot 32 - Y Not A Lady
Mailloux Quarter Horses

Lot 33 - Hot Frosty Sis
Mailloux Quarter Horses

Lot 34 - Y Not A Beauty
Mailloux Quarter Horses

Lot 35 - Hot Driften Mist
Mailloux Quarter Horses

Lot 36 - Boons Coyote Bar
Mailloux Quarter Horses

Lot 37 - Stirrup Shiny Pabs
Wetz Stirrup Ranch

Lot 38 Easy Stirrup I Am
Wetz Stirrup Ranch

Lot 39 - Stirrup Blue Boom
Wetz Stirrup Ranch

Lot 4 - LN Smart Little Oak
J Bar Three Quarter Horses

Lot 40 - Shiny Silver Blanton
Wetz Stirrup Ranch

Lot 41 Stirrup Shiny Bow
Wetz Stirrup Ranch

Lot 42 I Am Willows Jewel
Wetz Stirrup Ranch

Lot 46 - Beckwith Gunsmoke
Crago / Schmidt Quarter Horses

Lot 48 - WSH Streakn Brow Cat
Gray Ranch

Lot 49 - WSG Whiskey N Streakn
Gray Ranch

Lot 55 - Hesa Wily Pepper
Carlson Romero

Lot 56 - Cowboys Dual Express
Carlson Romero

Lot 6 - Shes A Buckin Shiner
Hale Quarter Horses

Lot 61 - Sir Bea Shine
Long Quarter Horses

Lot 62 - Boons Guy
Long Quarter Horses

Lot 7 - RS Mister Badger
Hale Quarter Horses

Invitational Riders
Each year we offer a select group of Invitational Riders as a sale highlight. Once again, our Invitational consignors have brought another set high quality horses! Many have spent time in the branding pen and doing all of the ranch chores. Whether you are looking for an arena prospect, a barrel horse, a reliable ranch horse, a trail horse, a 4-H horse, or a team roping horse – we have something that will work. In addition there will be a team that has been in parades, wagon trains and has also done some farm work. There is also a group of exceptional lead in horses that have all of the basics done with them and are ready for you to take on to the next step. Riding horses must have been owned for at least one year and will be previewed before the sale. Come to the preview starting at 9 a.m. to see them work. All horses are vet checked for soundness and will have health and Coggins to go anywhere in the United States.
We encourage you to contact these outstanding consignors about any of
their horses that interest you.