J Bar Three Quarter Horses
Josh and Lynn Nixon
2491 Alzada Ridge RdAlzada, MT 59311

Hale Quarter Horses
Tee and Alex Hale
19041 Stonevill RdUnion Center, SD 57737

Long Quarter Horses
Glen & Janet Long
19020 Fox Run RdEnning, SD 57737

Shield Five Quarter Horses
Dave and Susan Riesland
917 Grazing Assoc. RdOshoto, WY 82721

Huxtable Ranch
Howard and Bobbi Huxtable
18481 Grapevine RdRed Owl, SD 57787

Carlson Romero
Frank Carlson & Toni Romero
PO Box 204Belvidere, SD 57521

Mailloux Quarter Horses
Gary & Deb Mailloux
13445 Rodeo DriveVale, SD 57788

Wetz Stirrup Ranch
LeRoy and Shirley Wetz
14164 Wetz RoadVale, SD 57788

Crago / Schmidt Quarter Horses
Clete and Kristy Schmidt
11622 Brooker RdBelle Fourche, SD 57717

Gray Ranch
Sydney and Willl Gray
PO Box 93Ridgeview, SD 57652

Lazy Deuces Ranch
Ron and Gayleen Raber
Box 547Belle Fourche, SD 57717