03/19/2023 • Lot 19 Sorrel Stallion • 6232239
Cees Smart Cat

Cees Smart Cat

Lot 19 Sorrel Stallion
Boonys Cee Boonylensma Peptoboonsmal
Sapphire Olena
Shanias Smaraty Cat Palo Duro Cat
Little Smarty Pep
Bambis Smart Crystal Fairly Smart Smart Little Lena
Lil Peppy Fair
Sixory Sixote
SR Ceebars Hickory

This is a first time colt for both dam and sire, and we think they have done outstanding! This mare is our daughter’s horse, and she has done a lot with her. She has drug a lot of calves to the fire, and been Dave’s ‘go-to’ horse when he needed an ‘old reliable.’ She did great as a ranch horse, but excelled when we team roped off of her. We have never seen a horse that took to team roping like this mare! Head or heal, she was a rockstar. Two of her full sisters went to the NFR in team roping! She also did really great in getting in close and pushing on stock that was wanting to run through her. Boonys Cee is our young stallion, and has a lot of cow and fluid movement. This colt has a tremendous amount of potential in a lot of different directions. Call or text with questions.

Shield Five Quarter Horses
